Feb 28 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Lighthouse, Poole |
http://www.lighthousepoole.co.uk |
Feb 24 |
James Allsopp Group |
Parakeet, London |
http://jazzattheparakeet.com |
Feb 20 |
James Allsopp Group |
Nutshell, Winchester |
http://www.thenutshellwinchester.com |
Feb 19 |
w Frank Harrison, Mark Hodgson & Enzo Zirilli |
Iffley, Oxford |
http://www.frankandmarks.com |
Feb 9 |
Remembering Tomasz Stanko w Mark Lockheart, Liam Noble, Dave Whitford & Jay Davis |
Off The Rails, Richmond |
https://offtherailsclub.com |
Jan 14 |
Freight Train w Cathy Jordan, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Vortex London |
http://vortexjazz.co.uk |
Jan 6 |
Simon Purcell Quintet |
Milford Arms, Isleworth |
https://themilfordarms.co.uk |
Nov 23 |
James Allsopp Group |
New River Studios London |
https://efglondonjazzfestival.org.uk/events/james-allsopp-group |
Nov 16 |
Equal Spirits |
Zedel Brasserie London |
https://www.brasseriezedel.com/events/spice-jazz-soho-equal-spirits-wise-and-waiting/ |
Nov 1 |
Remembering Tomasz Stanko w Mark Lockheart, Liam Noble, Dave Whitford & Will Glaser |
POSK Hammersmith |
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/chris-batchelor-quintet-remembering-tomasz-stanko-tickets-1007921439157 |
Oct 25 |
Mark Lockett/James Owston 4tet |
Wakefield Jazz |
http://www.wakefieldjazz.org/ |
Oct 22 |
Equal Spirits |
Watermill Jazz Dorking |
http://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/dorking/watermill-jazz/equal-spirits/e-oblaop |
Oct 6 |
Trio w Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Forest Row Jazz Club |
http://www.instagram.com/hopyardbrewingco |
Sept 26 |
James Allsopp Group |
Vortex London |
http://vortexjazz.co.uk |
July 22 & 23 |
Myra Melford w John Edwards & Mark Sanders |
Cafe Oto, London |
http://www.cafeoto.com |
July 15 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
St Bride's Centre, Edinburgh |
http://www.ejbf.co.uk |
July 11 |
Duo w Olie Brice |
Vortex Downstairs |
http://vortexjazz.co.uk |
July 1 |
James Allsopp Quintet |
The Parakeet, London |
https://jazzattheparakeet.com |
June 14 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
1000 Trades Birmingham |
http://www.birminghamjazz.co.uk |
June 9 |
Equal Spirits |
Marylebone Theatre |
http://www.marylebonetheatre.com |
June 4 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli,Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Eastside Jazz Club London |
http://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk |
May 5 |
Equal Spirits |
Tobacco Factory Theatres, Bristol |
http://tobaccofactorytheatres.com |
May 4 |
Equal Spirits |
Rich Mix London |
http://rich mix.org.uk |
April 13 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Highams Park Jazz Club |
https://highamsparkjazzclub.com |
April 12 |
Quintet w Mark Lockheart, Liam Noble, Dave Whitford & Jay Davis |
Chichester Jazz Club |
https://chichesterjazzclub.co.uk |
April 10 |
The hKippers |
The Crooked Billet, Henley |
http://www.thecrookedbillet.co.uk |
March 23 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
The Garibaldi, Northampton |
https://thegaribaldilive.blogspot.com/p/livemusic.html |
March 22 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Wakefield Jazz |
https://www.wakefieldjazz.org |
March 16 at 8pm |
Gary Willcox Drummer/Composer Project |
The Bear, Luton |
https://www.the-bear.club |
March 16 at 3pm |
Gary Willcox Drummer/Composer Project |
The Garibaldi, Northampton |
https://thegaribaldilive.blogspot.com/p/garywillcox.html |
Feb 8 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Newhampton Arts Centre |
http://www.newhamptonarts.co.uk |
Feb 1 |
Batchelor/Hasler/Moll/Parricelli |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Jan 21 |
Quartet w Philipp Moll, Margrit Hasler & Francis Coletta |
Mahogany Hall, Bern, Switzerland |
http://www.mahogany.ch |
Nov 19 |
Billy Marrows Big Band |
Vortex London |
http://vortexjazz.co.uk |
Nov 17 |
Gary Willcox Drummer/Composers Project |
Riverhouse Barn, Walton |
http://riverhousebarn.co.uk |
Nov 14 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Green Note, Camden |
https://efglondonjazzfestival.org.uk/events/pigfoot-will-glaser |
Nov 11 |
Tomasz Stanko Tribute Concert w Rob Luft, Alice Zawadzki, Misha Mullov-Abbado & Jay Davis |
Jazz Cafe POSK |
http://www.jazzcafeposk.org |
Nov 9 |
James Allsopp Quartet |
Vortex London |
http://vortexjazz.co.uk |
Nov 7 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
East Hastings Sea Angling Association |
http://jazzhastings.co.uk |
Oct 7 |
Paul Dunmall Quartet/Laura Jurd Brass Project |
Vortex London |
http://vortexjazz.co.uk |
Sept 26 |
Quartet w Mark Lockheart, Tom Herbert & Will Glaser |
Eastside Jazz Club London |
http://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk |
Sept15 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Progress Theatre Reading |
http://www.jazzinreading.com |
Sept 12 |
Richard Fairhurst Quintet |
Eastside Jazz Club London |
http://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk |
July 30 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Eastbourne Jazz & Blues Festival |
https://www.seetickets.com/event/the-eastbourne-jazz-blues-festival/western-lawns/2514655 |
July 21 |
Gary Willcox Drummer/Composers Project |
Verdict Brighton |
http://www.verdictjazz.com |
July 7 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Bracknell Jazz |
http://www.southhillpark.org.uk |
July 4 |
Dee Byrne Outlines |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
May 30 |
Adam Glasser Sextet - South Africa and Beyond |
Eastside Jazz Club |
http://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk |
May 18 |
Adam Glasser Sextet - South Africa and Beyond |
The Ivy House,
Nunhead |
http://www.ivyhousenunhead.co.uk |
May 14 |
Ben Somers Sextet |
Ronnie Scott's |
http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk |
April 30 |
Paul Dunmall Quartet / Laura Jurd Brass Project |
Cheltenham Jazz Festival |
https://www.cheltenhamfestivals.com/jazz/whats-on/2023/laura-jurd |
April 21 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
1000 Trades Birmingham |
http://www.birminghamjazz.co.uk |
April 19 |
w Frank Harrison, Mark Hodgson & Enzo Zirilli |
Frank and Mark's, Oxford |
http://frankandmarks.com |
Feb 28 |
Gary Willcox Drummer/Composers Project w Jason Yarde, Gareth Williams & Oli Hayhurst |
Watermill Dorking |
http://www.watermilljazz.co.uk |
Feb 25 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Feb 15 |
Yiddish Twist Orchestra |
PizzaExpress Live |
http://www.pizzaexpresslive.com |
Feb 3 |
Gary Willcox Drummer/Composers Project w Jason Yarde, Gareth Williams & Oli Hayhurst |
Progress Theatre Reading |
http://www.jazzinreading.com |
Feb 2 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Crazy Coqs Soho |
http://www.brasseriezedel.com/events/pigfoot-play-ellington/ |
Jan 25 |
Richard Fairhurst Quintet w George Crowley, Dave Whitford & Tim Giles |
606 Club London |
https://www.606club.co.uk |
Jan 14 |
w Oren Marshall, Norman Goudie, Renzo Spiteri and Joy Duncan |
Lerwick Town Hall Shetland |
http://www.thejaws.uk |
Dec 20 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, James Allsopp & Paul Clarvis |
Eastside Jazz Club, London |
http://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk |
Dec 17 |
Roberto Pla Big Band & Brotherhood Of Breath |
CLF Art Lounge, Peckham |
http://www.clfartlounge.com |
Dec 3 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Nov 19 |
BrotherHood of Breath Small Band |
CLF Art Lounge, Peckham |
https://www.clfartlounge.com |
Nov 10 |
Oren Marshall/Seb Rochford/Chris Batchelor |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Nov 3 |
Batchelor/Lockheart Quartet w Mark Lockheart, Tom Herbert & Will Glaser |
Karamel, London |
http://www.musicglue.com/karamel/events |
Oct 18 |
Gary Willcox Quintet w Jason Yarde, Gareth Williams & Oli Hayhurst |
Eastside Jazz Club, London |
http://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk |
Oct 14 |
Gary Willcox Quintet w Jason Yarde, Gareth Williams & Oli Hayhurst |
Jazzlive at the Crypt, London |
http://www.jazzlive.co.uk |
Sept 29 |
Pigfoot Play Ellington w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Sept 10 |
Zone-B w Steve Buckley, Rob Luft, Tom Herbert & Gene Claderazzo |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
August 6 |
Myra Melford/Steve Buckley/Mark Sanders/ John Edwards |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
July 9 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Swanage Jazz Festival |
http://swanagejazzfestival.co.uk |
July 2 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Kings Place London |
http://www.kingsplace.co.uk/ |
June 27 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
The Yard, Manchester |
http://www.nqjazz.co.uk |
June 26 |
Ben Somers Sextet w Gareth Lochrane, Chris Montague, Dave Whitford & Will Glaser |
Ronnie Scotts |
http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk |
June 23 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Willow Tree Cafe, Walthamstow |
https://willowtreee17.com/events |
June 18 |
Simon Purcells's Red Circle |
Vortex London |
www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
June 17 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Simon Roth |
1000 Trades Birmingham |
https://www.birminghamjazz.co.uk |
June12 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Bristol Beacon |
https://bristolbeacon.org |
June 11 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
The Hive Shrewsbury |
http://www.hiveonline.org.uk |
June 10 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Wakefield Jazz |
https://www.wakefieldjazz.org |
June 9 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli,Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Yellow Arch Studios, Sheffield |
http://jazzatthelescar.com |
May 21 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Listen! Cambridge |
http://www.listencambridge.com |
May 20 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Bracknell Jazz |
http://www.bracknelljazz.co.uk |
May 19 |
Zoetic w Margrit Hasler, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Lauderdale House, London |
http://www.lauderdalehouse.org.uk |
May 12 |
Stu Butterfield's Open Quintet w Chris Biscoe, Tony Kofi & Dave Green |
Karamel, London |
http://www.musicglue.com/karamel/events |
May 8 |
Richard Fairhurst Quintet w George Crowley, Dave Whitford & Tim Giles |
Ronnie Scotts |
http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk |
April 23 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
March 11 |
Zone-B w Steve Buckley |
Jazzlive at the Crypt |
https://www.jazzlive.co.uk |
Feb 27 |
Ben Somers Sextet |
Ronnie Scotts |
https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/performances/view/7173-sunday-live-music-sessions-ben-sommers-sextet |
February 8 |
Adam Glasser's South African Septet |
Eastside Jazz Club, London |
http://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk |
January 9 |
Chris Biscoe, Steve Watts & Dave Barry |
Oval Tavern, Croydon |
http://theovaltavern.co.uk |
December 14 |
Chris Biscoe's Blythe Spirits w Steve Watts & Gary Willcox |
Eastside Jazz Club, London |
https://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk |
November 25 |
Yiddish Twist Orchestra |
Pizza Express Holborn |
http://www.pizzaexpresslive.com |
October 9 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Jazzclub Dreiegg, Frauenfeld,Switzerland |
https://www.generations.ch |
October 8 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Jazzclub Dreiegg, Frauenfeld,Switzerland |
https://www.generations.ch |
October 7 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Karamel, London |
https://www.musicglue.com/karamel |
October 2 |
Zone-B w Steve Buckley, Rob Luft, Tom Herbert & Gene Calderazzo |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
July 1 |
Yiddish Twist Orchestra |
Potters Fields, London |
https://www.dasharts.org.uk/whats-on |
June 11 |
Total Vibration w Laura Jurd, Tom Herbert, Calum Gourlay & Corrie Dick |
1000 Trades Birmingham |
http://www.birminghamjazz.co.uk |
March 19 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli, Margrit Hasler, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
West Bridgford Library |
http://www.inspireculture.org.uk |
March 18 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli, Margrit Hasler, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Southwell Library |
http://www.inspireculture.org.uk |
March 17 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli, Margrit Hasler, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Acorn Theatre Worksop |
http://www.inspireculture.org.uk |
March 16 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli, Margrit Hasler, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Beeston Library |
http://www.inspireculture.org.uk |
March 13 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli, Margrit Hasler, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Verdict Jazz Brighton |
http://verdictjazz.co.uk |
March 1 |
Zone B w Steve Buckley, Rob Luft, Tom Herbert & Gene Calderazzo |
Green Note Camden London |
http://www.greennote.co.uk/ |
Feb 27 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli, Margrit Hasler, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Royal Welsh College, Cardiff |
http://www.rwcmd.ac.uk |
Feb 9 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli, Margrit Hasler, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Feb 7 |
Zone B w Steve Buckley, Rob Luft, Tom Herbert & Gene Calderazzo |
1000 Trades Birmingham |
http://www.birminghamjazz.co.uk |
Feb 4 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
Eastside Jazz Club |
http://www.eastsidejazzclub.co.uk |
Jan 31 |
Pigfoot w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Wakefield Jazz Club |
http://www.wakefieldjazz.org |
Jan 13 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Jazz Cafe London |
http://thejazzcafelondon.com |
Jan 12 |
Chris Biscoe Quartet w Larry Bartley & Gary Willcox |
Oval Tavern, Croydon |
http://theovaltavern.co.uk |
Dec 29 |
Ben Somers Sextet |
Upstairs at Ronnie Scott's |
http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk |
Dec 13 |
Zone B w Steve Buckley, Rob Luft, Tom Herbert & Gene Calderazzo |
Verdict, Brighton |
http://www.verdictjazz.co.uk |
Nov 22 |
Brotherhood of Breath |
Lighthouse Arts Centre, Poole |
https://www.lighthousepoole.co.uk |
Nov 20 |
Brotherhood of Breath |
100 Club |
https://www.the100club.co.uk |
Oct 13 |
Ben Somers Sextet |
Upstairs at Ronnie Scott's |
https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/upstairsronnies |
Oct 12 |
w Mark Lockheart, Huw Marc Bennett & Corrie Dick |
Olivers, Greenwich |
https://oliversjazzbar.com |
Sept 30 |
Gary Willcox Quintet |
http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk |
Sept 10 |
Overground Collective |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Sept 7 |
Pigfoot Shuffle Album Launch w James Allsopp, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Sept 4 |
Bosco D'Oliveira |
606 Club London |
http://www.606club.co.uk |
August 9 |
Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
August 8 |
Mark Lockheart Quartet |
606 Club London |
http://www.606club.co.uk |
July 20 |
Bukky Leo & Black Egypt |
Brockwell Park London |
http://lambethcountryshow.co.uk |
July 19 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Paper Dress Vintage, Hackney |
http://www.bomboproductions.com |
July 12 |
Zone-B w Steve Buckley, Rob Luft, Ruth Goller & Gene Calderazzo |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
June 29 |
South African Jazz Night w Adam Glasser |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
June 28 |
Valia Calda |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
June 10 |
Profiles of Mingus w Chris Biscoe, Tony Kofi, Kate Williams, Larry Bartley and Gary Willcox |
Ronnie Scott's, London |
http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk |
June 4 |
Adam Glasser's South Africa and Beyond |
Eastside Jazz Club |
http://eastsidejazzclub.blogspot.com |
June 2 |
Ollie Brice Quintet w Chris Biscoe, George Crowley and Jeff Williams |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
June 1 |
Duo w Laura Jurd |
Union Chapel London |
http://www.unionchapel.org.uk |
May 22 |
The Musical World of Dave Wickins |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
May 19 |
Chris Biscoe Quartet w Larry Bartley & Gary Willcox |
Oval Tavern, Croydon |
https://theovaltavern.co.uk |
May 10 |
Profiles of Mingus w Chris Biscoe, Tony Kofi, Kate Williams, Larry Bartley and Gary Willcox |
Crookes Social Club, Sheffield |
http://www.sheffieldjazz.org.uk |
April 30 |
Nikki Iles Sextet w Steve Buckley & Mark Lockheart |
606 Club, London |
http://www.606club.co.uk |
April 26 |
Adam Glasser's South Africa & Beyond |
Lighthouse Poole |
https://www.lighthousepoole.co.uk |
April 17 |
Profiles of Mingus w Chris Biscoe,Josephine Davies, Kate Williams, Larry Bartley and Gary Willcox |
Bull's Head Barnes |
http://www.thebullsheadbarnes.com |
April 5 |
Balkanatics |
Portico Gallery, London |
http://portico gallery.org.uk |
April 3 |
Music of Bill Frisell w Nikos, Theo & Andreas Ziarkas |
http://www.jaminajar.co.uk |
April 1 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Jazz Cafe London |
https://thejazzcafelondon.com |
March 30 |
Steve Buckley, Rob Luft, Tom Herbert & Gene Calderazzo |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/events/ |
March 12 |
Steve Buckley, Liam Noble, Dave Whitford & Clive Fenner |
http://eastsidejazzclub.blogspot.com |
March 6 |
Music of Bill Frisell w Nikos, Theo & Andreas Ziarkas |
Jam In A Jar, London |
http://www.jaminajar.co.uk |
Feb 12 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
East Side Jazz, London |
http://eastsidejazzclub.blogspot.com |
Feb 1 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/events/ |
Jan 18 |
Total Vibration w Laura Jurd, Tom Herbert & Corrie Dick |
The Hive, Shrewsbury |
http://www.shrewsburyjazznetwork.co.uk/whats-on/148-total-vibration.htm |
Jan 16 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli,Margrit Hasler,Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/events/ |
Dec 21 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Paper Dress Vintage, Hackney |
http://www.bomboproductions.com |
Dec 7 |
Steve Buckley, Rob Luft, Tom Herbert & Gene Calderazzo |
Con Cellar Bar |
https://www.concellarjazz.com |
Nov 28 |
Total Vibration w Laura Jurd, Tom Herbert & Corrie Dick |
Hackney Empire Bar |
https://hackneyempire.co.uk |
Nov 24 |
Pigfoot w Steve Buckley, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis |
Green Note Camden |
http://greennote.co.uk |
Nov 19 |
Jazz Train w Simon Purcell, Cleveland Watkiss |
Barbican London |
https://www.barbican.org.uk |
Oct 10 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli, Margrit Hasler, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Vortex London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/chris-batchelors-zoetic/ |
Sept 28 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Balabam London |
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/orchestra-bombo-coro-de-clave-tickets-49673900975 |
Sept 26 |
Brotherhood of Breath |
100 Club, London |
https://www.the100club.co.uk |
Sept 25 |
Total Vibration w Laura Jurd, Tom Herbert & Corrie Dick |
St Barnabas Cambridge |
https://www.listencambridge.com |
Sept 24 |
Total Vibration w Laura Jurd, Tom Herbert & Corrie Dick |
Jazz In The Round, London |
http://thecockpit.org.uk/show/jazz_in_the_round |
July 31 |
Adam Glasser's SA Jazz Sextet |
606 London |
http://www.606club.co.uk/ |
July 21 |
Pigfoot |
Leeds Jazz Festival |
http://www.jazzleeds.org.uk/festival2018/ |
June 12 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
Olivers, Greenwich |
https://www.facebook.com/olivers.jazzbar/ |
June 1 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Jazz Cafe, Camden |
https://thejazzcafelondon.com |
May 17 |
Zoetic w John Parricelli, Margrit Hasler, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Star of Kings, Islington |
http://starofkings.co.uk/ |
April 11 |
Blythe Spirit w Chris Biscoe, Steve Watts & Gary Willcox |
Bulls Head, Barnes |
https://tickets.thebullsheadbarnes.com/ |
March 10 |
Pigfoot |
Cardiff University |
http://concerts.cardiff.ac.uk/events/jazz-at-the-university-pigfoot/ |
March 6 |
Mark Lockheart, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Clive Fenner |
East Side Jazz Club, Leyton |
http://eastsidejazzclub.blogspot.co.uk |
Feb 22 |
Happy House w Margrit Hasler, Chris Montague, Steve Watts and Paul Clarvis |
Cambridge Modern Jazz Club |
http://www.cambridgejazz.org/ |
Feb 8 |
Blythe Spirits w Chris Biscoe, Steve Watts & Gary Willcox |
Ram Jam, Kingston |
http://www.grey-horse.co.uk |
Jan 26 |
Brotherhood Of Breath |
Ropetackle Arts Centre |
http://www.listencambridge.com |
Jan 19 |
Pigfoot |
Unitarian Church, Cambridge |
http://www.listencambridge.com |
Jan 17 |
Overground Collective |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Jan 16 |
Equal Spirits |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Jan 13 |
Pigfoot |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Jan 12 |
Pigfoot |
1000 Trades Birmingham |
http://www.birminghamjazz.co.uk |
Jan 5 |
Jurd/Batchelor/Herbert/Dick |
http://concellarjazz.co.uk |
Nov 16 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
Middleton Hall, Hull |
https://jnight.org/whatson/whirlwind |
Nov 5 |
London Jazz Sessions w Hannes Riepler |
Vortex Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Oct 18 |
Trumpet Thing w Laura Jurd, Tom Herbert & Corrie Dick |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Sept 8 |
Blythe Spirit w Chris Biscoe, Steve Watts & Gary Willcox |
Cafe Posk, Hammersmith |
https://www.wowjazz.org |
August 13 |
NYJC 10th Birthday Concert w Dave Holland |
King's Place |
https://www.kingsplace.co.uk |
July 31 |
Olie Brice Quintet |
Jazz In The Round |
http://thecockpit.org.uk/show/jazz_in_the_round |
July 12 |
Tete Mbambisa SA-UK Big Sound |
iSisvivana , Cape Town, South Africa |
http://www.isivivanacentre.org.za |
July 9 |
Tete Mbambisa SA-UK Big Sound |
The Rainbow, Durban, South Africa |
http://www.therainbow.co.za |
July 7 |
Tete Mbambisa SA-UK Big Sound |
Miriam Makeba Centre, East London, South Africa |
http://www.ufh.ac.za/centres/ecavc |
July 5 |
Tete Mbambisa SA-UK Big Sound |
Soweto Theatre, Soweto, South Africa |
http://www.sowetotheatre.com |
July 4 |
Tete Mbambisa SA-UK Big Sound |
The Orbit, Joburg, South Africa |
http://www.theorbit.co.za |
June 16 |
Happy House w Margrit Hasler, Chris Montague, Steve Watts and Simon Roth |
Verdict, Brighton |
http://www.verdictjazz.co.uk/ |
June 8 |
Pigfoot |
Karamel, London |
http://karamelrestaurant.com |
May 21 |
Jazz East w Micheal Spearman Trio |
The Alex, Felixstowe |
http://jazzeast.vpweb.co.uk |
May 20 |
Pigfoot |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
May 13 |
Balkanatics |
Crypt, Camberwell |
http://www.jazzlive.co.uk |
May 12 |
Raph Clarkson's Dissolute Society |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
March 17 |
Vortex Jazz Quartet w Huw Warren, John Parricelli, Steve Watts & Paul Clarvis |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
March 5 |
Happy House w Margrit Hasler, Chris Montague, Steve Watts and Paul Clarvis |
The Salisbury, London |
http://jazzatthesalisbury.blogspot.co.uk |
Nov 24 |
The Brothers Ignatius Big Band |
Rose & Crown Walthamstow |
http://www.yeolderoseandcrowntheatrepub.co.uk |
Nov13 |
Overground Collective |
Vortex |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Nov 6 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Juju's Bar, London |
http://bricklanemarket.com/events/jujus_bar_and_stage/ |
Nov 4 |
Happy House w Margrit Hasler, Chris Montague, Steve Watts and Paul Clarvis |
Con Cellar Jazz, Camden |
http://concellarjazz.co.uk |
Oct 28 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Forge Camden |
http://www.forgevenue.org |
Oct1 |
Pigfoot Play Billy Jenkins |
Vortex |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Sept 13 |
Chris Batchelor w Nick Tomalin Trio |
gnomehouse, Walthamstow |
https://e17jazz.com |
Sept 10 |
Pigfoot Play Bacharach |
Vortex |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
July 9 eve |
Hermeto Pascoal |
Barbican London |
http://www.barbican.org.uk/music/event-detail.asp?ID=19627 |
July 9 aft |
Pigfoot |
Swanage Jazz Festival |
http://www.swanagejazz.org |
June 25 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
Vortex |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
June 11 |
The Pigfoot Shuffle |
Vortex |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
June 9 |
Balkanatics |
Crypt Camberwell |
http://www.jazzlive.co.uk/guide.html |
May 1 |
Dave Wickens Benefit |
606 London |
http://www.606club.co.uk |
April 30 |
Pigfoot Play 1972 |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/pigfoot-play-2/ |
April 22 |
AfuriKo |
Ray'sJazz@Foyles |
http://www.afuriko.com/live/ |
March 20 |
Pigfoot |
Bedford Jazz Festival |
http://www.conscia.org |
March 12 |
Pigfoot |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Feb 16 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
East Side Jazz Club, Leyton |
http://eastsidejazzclub.blogspot.co.uk |
Feb 7 |
Paulo Duarte and Overground Collective |
The Salisbury, London |
http://jazzatthesalisbury.blogspot.co.uk |
Jan 24 |
Happy House w Margrit Hasler, Chris Montague, Steve Watts and Paul Clarvis |
The Salisbury, London |
http://jazzatthesalisbury.blogspot.co.uk |
Jan 23 |
w Soner Ersen |
Myra Brasserie, Southgate |
http://myrarestaurant.co.uk |
Jan 13 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
Pizza Express, Dean St |
http://www.pizzaexpresslive.com |
Dec 16 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
The Y Leicester |
http://www.leicesterymca.co.uk |
Dec 11 |
Simon Purcell's Red Circle |
Verdict Brighton |
http://www.verdictjazz.co.uk |
Dec 4 |
Pigfoot |
Cube, Derby |
http://www.deda.uk.com |
Dec 3 |
Pigfoot |
Karamel London |
http://karamelrestaurant.com |
Nov 25 |
S African Special w Bokani Dyer |
606 London |
http://www.606club.co.uk |
Nov 20 |
Adam Glasser w S African Jazz Voices |
Ivy House Nunhead |
http://www.ivyhousenunhead.com |
Nov 8 |
Tribute to Lucky Ranku |
100 Club London |
http://www.the100club.co.uk |
October 4 |
Happy House w Margrit Hasler, Chris Montague, Steve Watts and Paul Clarvis |
The Salisbury, London |
http://jazzatthesalisbury.blogspot.co.uk/p/may_5.html |
Sept 26 |
Pigfoot |
Scarborough Jazz Festival |
http://jazz.scarboroughspa.co.uk |
Sept 23-26 |
Loose Tubes |
Ronnie Scott's |
http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk |
Sept 18 |
Loose Tubes |
Herts Jazz Festival |
http://www.hertsjazzfestival.co.uk |
Sept 9 |
Tete Mbambisa and his Big SA-UK Sound |
NCEM York |
http://www.ncem.co.uk/?idno=189&eventID=1927 |
August 8 |
Pigfoot |
Brecon Jazz Festival |
http://breconjazz.com |
June 28 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Sud Tirol, Italy |
http://www.suedtiroljazzfestival.com |
June 19 |
w Soner Ersen Trio |
Court Yard, Haringey |
https://www.facebook.com/court.yard.581?pnref=story |
June 10 |
w Gareth Williams, Marianne Windham & Clark Tracey |
Guildford Jazz |
https://guildfordjazz.wordpress.com/jazz-the-pavilion/ |
June 7 |
Pigfoot |
606 London |
http://www.606club.co.uk |
May 14 |
Pigfoot |
Hidden Rooms, Cambridge |
http://www.cambridgejazz.org |
April 23 |
w Myra Melford, Ben Goldberg, Steve Watts & Tim Giles |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
April 12 |
Loose Tubes |
Sage, Gateshead |
http://www.sagegateshead.com |
April 6 |
Bridging the Generations w Julian Arguelles, Ferg Ireland and Corrie Dick |
Oliver's, Greenwich |
http://oliversjazzbar.co.uk/whats_on.html |
March 8 |
Pigfoot Play Elvis |
Vortex, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Feb 20 |
York University Big Band |
City Screen Basement, York |
http://www.thebasementyork.co.uk |
Feb 17 |
Township Comets |
East Side Jazz, London |
http://eastsidejazzclub.blogspot.co.uk |
Feb 7 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Rich Mix, London |
http://www.richmix.org.uk |
January 30 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Wakefield Jazz |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 29 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Blue Lamp, Aberdeen |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 28 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Glasgow TBC |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 27 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Black Swan, Newcastle |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 26 |
Simon Purcell Red Circle |
Cockpit Theatre, London |
http://thecockpit.org.uk/show/jazz_in_the_round_0 |
January 23 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Verdict, Brighton |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 20 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Harlington Centre, Fleet |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 19 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Warwick Arts Centre |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 17 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Norwich Arts Centre |
https://norwichartscentre.co.uk |
January 16 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Colston Hall, Bristol |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 15 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
Hidden Rooms, Cambridge |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 14 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
The Forge, London |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
January 11 |
Pigfoot Play Motown |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
January 9 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
The Cube, Derby |
http://www.laurajurd.com |
December 11 |
Pigfoot Play Opera |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
November 23 |
Laura Jurd's Human Spirit |
South Bank, London |
http://www.efglondonjazzfestival.org.uk |
November 16 |
Simon Purcell Quintet |
Pizza Express, London |
http://www.efglondonjazzfestival.org.uk |
November `15 |
Dedication Orchestra |
QEH, South Bank, London |
http://www.efglondonjazzfestival.org.uk |
October 31 |
Township Comets |
Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham |
http://www.lakesidearts.org.uk |
October 30 |
Kinsella/Noble/Batchelor |
Jazz Nursery, London |
http://www.jazznursery.com |
October 24 |
Township Comets |
The Drum, Birmingham |
http://www.birminghamjazz.co.uk |
October 22 |
Pigfoot |
Karamel Club, London |
http://karamelrestaurant.com |
October 10 |
Kinsella/Noble/Batchelor + Haste |
Xposed Club, Cheltenham |
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Xposed-Club/156974424383741 |
October 9 |
Kinsella/Noble/Batchelor + Haste |
http://cafeoto.co.uk/ |
October 8 |
Kinsella/Noble/Batchelor + Haste |
Tubers Music, Manchester |
http://www.facebook.com/events/1511324095765439/ |
October 3 |
Kinsella/Noble/Batchelor + Haste |
Newcastle University |
http://www.jazznortheast.com |
October 2 |
Kinsella/Noble/Batchelor + Haste |
Free Range, Canterbury |
http://www.free-range.co |
August 10 |
Township Comets |
Brecon Jazz Festival |
http://www.breconjazz.com |
August 8 |
Loose Tubes |
Brecon Jazz Festival |
http://www.breconjazz.com |
July 25 |
Chris Batchelor/Liam Noble |
St Mary's Walthamstow |
http://groovebaby.co.uk |
July 23 |
Chris Batchelor/Liam Noble |
St Mary's,Primrose Hill |
http://groovebaby.co.uk |
July 19 |
Pigfoot |
Manchester Jazz Festival |
http://www.manchesterjazz.com |
July16 |
Chris Batchelor/Liam Noble |
St Margaret's, Blackheath |
http://groovebaby.co.uk |
July 9 |
Chris Batchelor/Liam Noble |
All Saints, Dulwich |
http://groovebaby.co.uk |
July 4 |
Chris Batchelor/Liam Noble |
St Peter's, Islington |
http://groovebaby.co.uk |
May 5-10 |
Loose Tubes |
Ronnie Scott's, London |
http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk |
May 3 |
Loose Tubes |
Cheltenham Jazz Festival |
http://www.cheltenhamfestivals.com/jazz/ |
April 6 |
Lauren Kinsella, Liam Noble, Chris Batchelor |
Green Note, Camden |
http://www.greennote.co.uk |
March 21 |
Pigfoot CD launch w Liam Noble, Oren Marshall, Paul Clarvis |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
February 16 |
Myra Melford/Mark Sanders/Chris Batchelor |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
February 9 |
Township Comets |
Ronnie Scott's, London |
http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk |
January 29 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, Oren Marshall, Paul Clarvis |
Karamel Club, London |
http://karamelrestaurant.com |
January 17 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Passing Clouds, London |
http://www.passingclouds.org |
January 10 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, Oren Marshall, Paul Clarvis |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Nov 21 |
Blue Eyed Hawk |
QEH Front Room |
http://www.londonjazzfestival.org.uk |
Nov 17 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, Oren Marshall, Paul Clarvis |
Jazz Nursery, London |
http://www.jazznursery.com |
Nov 15 |
Township Comets |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
November 8 |
Liam Noble's Brother Face |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
November 1 |
Liam Noble's Brother Face |
The Verdict, Brighton |
http://www.verdictjazz.co.uk |
October 18 |
Liam Noble's Brother Face |
Sheffield Jazz |
http://www.sheffieldjazz.org.uk |
October 12 |
Liam Noble's Brother Face |
Shrewsbury Jazz |
http://www.shrewsburyjazznetwork.co.uk |
October 8 |
Liam Noble's Brother Face |
MAC Birmingham |
http://www.macarts.co.uk |
Sept 27 |
Liam Noble's Brother Face |
Fleece Jazz,Stoke By Nayland |
http://www.dovbear.co.uk/fleece |
Sept 22 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, Oren Marshall, Paul Clarvis |
The Salisbury, London |
http://jazzatthesalisbury.blogspot.co.uk |
Sept 20 |
Liam Noble's Brother Face |
Wakefield Jazz |
http://www.wakefieldjazz.org |
Sept 6&7 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Thames Festival |
http://thamesfestival.org/ |
August 18 |
Son Yambu |
On the Edge, Richmond |
http://www.richmond.gov.uk/ |
July 19 |
Township Comets |
606 Jazz Club, London |
http://www.606club.co.uk |
July 15 |
Peter Danstrup's Reptiles |
Aarhus Jazz Festival, Denmark |
http://www.jazzselskabetaarhus.dk |
July 14 |
Peter Danstrup's Reptiles |
Copenhagen Jazz Festival, Denmark |
http://jazz.dk/ |
July 10 |
Jyväskylä Big Band |
Jyväskylä, Finland |
http://www.jyvaskylankesa.fi |
July 7 |
Orchestra Bombo |
British Summer Time, Hyde Park |
http://www.bst-hydepark.com/ |
July 6 |
Orchestra Bombo |
British Summer Time, Hyde Park |
http://www.bst-hydepark.com/ |
July 5 |
Orchestra Bombo |
British Summer Time, Hyde Park |
http://www.bst-hydepark.com/ |
June 29 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Conway Hall, London |
http://conwayhall.org.uk/special-events |
June 27 |
Simon Picard, Chris Batchelor, Alex Maguire, Mark Sanders |
Lumen, London |
http://www.lumenurc.org.uk |
June 26 |
Trout Q w Margrit Hasler, Chris Montague, Gary Willcox |
Way Out West, Richmond |
http://wowjazz.org |
June 19 |
Trinity Post Grad Ensemble; Ornette Coleman Project w Julian Siegel |
Albany, Deptford |
http://www.thealbany.org.uk |
June 7 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Boston Dome, London |
http://www.clavelatinafestival.com |
May 24 |
Julian Arguelles Octet |
Jack Lyons Hall, York |
http://www.york.ac.uk/concerts |
May 2 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, Oren Marshall, Paul Clarvis |
Great Northern Railway Tavern, Hornsey N8 |
https://www.facebook.com/TheGreatNorthernRailwayTavern |
April 19 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, Oren Marshall, Paul Clarvis |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
April 5 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, Steve Watts, Paul Clarvis |
The Con Cellar Bar, London |
http://www.concellarjazz.co.uk |
March 24 |
Orchestra Bombo |
Hootannany, Brixton |
http://www.hootanannybrixton.co.uk |
March 20 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, Oren Marshall, Paul Clarvis |
Way Out West, Richmond |
http://wowjazz.org |
March 11 |
Cross Generation Quartet |
Olivers, Greenwich, London |
http://oliversjazzbar.co.uk |
March 4 |
George Crowley Quartet |
The Oxford, London |
http://theoxfordjazz.com |
Feb 2 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Conway Hall, London |
http://latinosinlondon.com |
January 29 |
Batchelor/Crowley/Farmer/Williams |
Amersham Arms, London |
http://secollective.blogspot.co.uk |
January 27 |
Pigfoot w Liam Noble, Oren Marshall, Paul Clarvis |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
January 18 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Passing Clouds, Dalston |
http://passingclouds.org |
January 13 |
Township Comets |
Vortex,London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
January 11 2013 |
Township Comets |
606 Jazz Club |
http://www.606club.co.uk |
December 19 |
Chris Batchelor Quartet |
The Club House, Leamington |
http://www.leam-jazz.com |
December 9 (4pm) |
Township Comets |
Vortex,London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
November 28 |
Township Comets |
The Y, Leicester |
http://www.leicesterjazzhouse.co.uk |
November 23 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Vox Club, London |
http://www.clubcolosseum.com |
November 21 |
Gary Willcox Quartet |
Way Out West, Richmond |
http://wowjazz.org |
November 17 |
Parallel;Tribute To Joe Harriott |
Purcell Room, South Bank |
http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk |
November 13 |
The Oxford, London |
http://theoxfordjazz.com |
November 11 (4pm) |
Township Comets |
Vortex,London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
October 24 |
Chris Batchelor Quartet |
Way Out West, Richmond |
http://wowjazz.org |
October 14 (4pm) |
Township Comets |
Vortex,London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
September 28 |
Liam Noble Quintet |
Komedia Studio Theatre, Brighton |
http://www.brightonjazzclub.co.uk |
September 22 |
Township Comets |
Gillett Square, Dalston |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
September 20 |
Liam Noble Quintet |
Spice Of Life, London |
http://blog.spicejazz.co.uk |
September 1 |
Township Comets |
Central Park, East Ham |
http://www.newham.com/live |
August 19 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Taunton,Somerset |
http://www.strummeroflove.com |
July 11 |
Chris Biscoe Band |
Way Out West, Richmond |
http://wowjazz.org |
July 1 |
Django Bates, Iain Ballamy, Chris Batchelor & AMC Big Band |
Court Theatre, Tring |
http://www.courttheatre.co.uk |
June 23 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Conway Hall,London |
http://www.clavelatinafestival.com |
June 22 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Old Market Square, Nottingham |
http://www.nightoffestivals.com |
June 18 |
Township Comets |
Vortex,London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
June 16 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Clissold Park, Stoke Newington |
http://www.culturalco-operation.org |
June 15 |
Friendly Fires |
Sonar, Barcelona |
http://www.sonar.es |
June 14 |
Mark Lockheart's In Deep |
Akbank Art Centre , Istanbul. Turkey |
http://www.marklockheart.co.uk |
May 6 |
John Taylor Octet |
Cheltenham Jazz Festival |
http://www.cheltenhamfestivals.com |
May 5 |
Liam Noble Group |
Cheltenham Jazz Festival |
http://www.cheltenhamfestivals.com |
April 29 |
Liam Noble Group |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
April 13 |
Daphna Sadeh & the Voyagers |
Bossaphonik, Oxford |
http://bossaphonik.com |
February 29 |
University of York Jazz Orchestra |
National Centre for Early Music, York |
http://www.ncem.co.uk |
February 21 |
Township Comets |
Eastside Jazz Club, London |
http://eastsidejazzclub.blogspot.com |
January 13 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Passing Clouds, London |
http://passingclouds.org |
January 8 |
Township Comets |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
December 16 |
Township Comets |
Cambridge Modern Jazz Club |
http://www.cambridgejazz.org |
December 11 |
Township Comets |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
December 9 |
Balkanatics |
Cellar, Oxford |
http://bossaphonik.com |
November 20 |
Hermeto Pascoal |
Barbican, London |
http://www.londonjazzfestival.org.uk |
November 13 |
Township Comets |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
November 11 |
Simon Picard/Chris Batchelor/Alex Maguire/Ollie Brice |
Lumen, London |
http://www.lumenurc.org.uk |
November 10 |
Buckley/Batchelor Quartet |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
October 30 |
Simon Picard/Chris Batchelor/Alex Maguire |
North London Tavern, Kilburn |
http://www.myspace.com/jazzthenlt |
October 9 |
Julian Siegel's Mystery Guest |
Nottingham Contemporary |
http://www.nottinghamcontemporary.org |
October 2 |
Township Comets |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
Sept 30 |
Gareth Williams |
Park House,Cardiff |
http://www.parkhouseclub.com |
Sept 23 |
Township Comets |
Lighthouse,Poole |
http://www.lighthousepoole.co.uk |
Sept 15 |
Mark Lockheart's In Deep |
Vortex, London |
http://www.marklockheart.co.uk |
Sept 11 |
Township Comets |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
August 13 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Hootananny,Brixton |
http://www.hootanannybrixton.co.uk |
August 5 |
Balkanatics |
Pavillion, Broadstairs |
http://www.broadstairsfolkweek.org.uk |
July 6 |
Peter Danstrup's Reptiles feat John Tchicai |
Huset, Copenhagen |
http://www.peterdanstrup.com |
June 12 |
Township Comets |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
June 10 |
Chris Batchelor/Simon Picard/Liam Noble |
Lumen, London |
http://www.lumenurc.org.uk |
May 30 |
Harry Beckett Birthday Benefit |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
May 29 |
Ray De La Paz |
El Peñol, Brixton,London |
http://www.elpenolclub.co.uk |
May 27 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Nueva Costa Dorada,London |
http://www.costadoradarestaurant.co.uk |
May 8 |
Uri Caine's Mahler Project |
Teatro Comunale, Vicenza |
http://www.uricaine.com |
May 2 |
Big Air |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
May 1 |
Big Air |
Cheltenham Jazz Festival |
http://www.cheltenhamfestivals.com/jazz/ |
April 10 |
Township Comets |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
April 3 |
Hans Koller Band |
Pizza Express, Soho, London |
http://www.pizzaexpresslive.co.uk |
March 18 |
Julian Nicholas Band - Tribute to Harry Beckett |
Brighton Jazz Club |
http://www.brightonjazzclub.co.uk |
March 13 |
Township Comets |
Vortex, London |
http://www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
March 4 |
Julian Arguelles Octet |
York |
http://www.julianarguelles.com |
February 16 |
Nick Malcolm/Chris Batchelor/Olie Brice/Mark Sanders |
Flimflam, London |
http://flimflam.org.uk |
February 13 |
Hans Koller Band with Mike Gibbs |
Pizza Express, Soho, London |
http://www.pizzaexpresslive.co.uk |
February 10 |
Chris Batchelor w Elliot Galvin Trio |
Spice Of Life, Soho, London |
http://www.spicejazz.co.uk |
February 9 |
Jonathon Gee/Chris Batchelor Quartet |
606 Club, London |
http://www.606club.co.uk |
February 5 |
Uri Caine's Mahler Project |
Town Hall Birmingham |
http://www.uricaine.com |
February 4 |
Simon Purcell Quintet |
Brighton Jazz Club |
http://www.brightonjazzclub.co.uk |
February 3 |
Uri Caine's Mahler Project |
RNCM,Manchester |
http://www.uricaine.com |
January 30 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool |
www.salsakingdom.co.uk |
January 23 |
Mark Lockheart's In Deep |
Riverhouse Barn,Walton-On-Thames |
www.marklockheart.co.uk |
January 16 |
Chris Batchelor/Johnathon Gee/Larry Bartley |
Spitz@Primo Bar, Park Plaza Hotel |
www.spitz.co.uk |
January 9
2011 |
Township Comets |
Vortex Jazz Club, London |
www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
December 12 |
Township Comets |
Vortex Jazz Club, London |
www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
August 8
Township Comets |
Vortex Jazz Club, London |
www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
August 13 |
Big Air |
Time In Jazz, Sardinia |
www.timeinjazz.it |
September 12 |
Township Comets |
Vortex Jazz Club, London |
www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
September 13 |
Dave Smith / Chris Batchelor / Callum Gourlay |
The Oxford, London |
www.loopcollective.org |
September 17 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Old Market Square, Nottingham |
www.conjuntosabroso.com |
September 18 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
Hootananny, Brixton |
www.conjuntosabroso.com |
September 25 |
Conjunto Sabroso |
London |
www.conjuntosabroso.com |
September 28 |
Mark Lockheart's In Deep |
Pizza Express, London |
www.marklockheart.co.uk |
October1 |
Roberto Pla's Latin Ensemble |
Park Plaza Hotel London SE1 |
www.myspace.com/robertopla |
October 3 |
Chris Batchelor/Peter Edwards/Nick Walsh |
Spitz@Primo Bar, Park Plaza Hotel |
www.spitz.co.uk |
October 12 |
Simon Purcell Quintet |
Oliver's, Greenwich, London |
www.simonpurcell.com |
October 14 |
Simon Purcell Quintet |
Seven Arts, Leeds |
www.sevenjazz.co.uk |
October 15 |
Simon Purcell Quintet |
Millenium Hall, Sheffield |
www.sheffieldjazz.org.uk |
November 7 |
Chris Batchelor/Johnathon Gee/Larry Bartley |
Spitz@Primo Bar, Park Plaza Hotel |
www.spitz.co.uk |
November 14 |
Township Comets |
Vortex Jazz Club, London |
www.vortexjazz.co.uk |
November 18 |
Harper Simon |
Bush Hall, Shepherd's Bush,London |
www.bushhallmusic.co.uk |
November 19 |
Simon Purcell Quintet |
RFH Foyer, South Bank |
www.simonpurcell.com |
November 21 |
Chris Batchelor/Johnathan Gee/Larry Bartley |
Dysart Arms,
Richmond |
www.thedysartarms.co.uk |